Friday, July 8, 2011

Sacred geometry from a different prospective

For those who want to shift perception, sacred geometry helps them to break away from confused materialism and helps to re-understand the return to higher consciousness. Numbers and geometries referenced by ancient philosophers are not just isolated events. They form harmonic resonances leading to higher consciousness, or better said: a direct connection with the information fields.

The same universal constants have been repeatedly found by astronomers, art-scientists, musicians, architects, mathematicians and also scientists in modern physics and chemistry. Phi, the golden ratio has even been observed in solid state matter, in other words: on the quantum level! The results were published in January 2010 in Science Daily and Physics World, announcing the discovery of a hidden Phi symmetry in solid state matter! Specific interactions were discovered between spins causing them to magnetically resonate.

For these interactions the researchers found a series (scale) of resonant notes: The first two notes show a perfect relationship with each other. Their frequencies (pitch) are in the ratio of 1.618…, which is the golden ratio famous from art and architecture." A very interesting site to visit is:

Even time in Quantum Physics may be related to Phi! The Golden Ratio seems to be appearing in several places in the Quantum Physics Model. Thus it appears that the Golden Ratio, or Phi, is a constant produced by time. Every material process generates a pattern in time and Kosyrev claims that this pattern is accessible everywhere in the universe, independent of space and time. Basis of all this is Phi which is produced by time! Time is a force that turns cause into effect, in other words time is a force whose patterns contain information about every process in this world. For more information on this particular research we propose you to visit where you will learn how time plays a key role in the eventual communication between information – space – matter.

It is important to know that Phi is not a number, but a ratio resulting from dividing a line into two unequal parts, so that the shorter part is to the longer as the longer is to the whole or a : b :: b : a + b. numerically the ratio is:

                                           a : b = 0,6180339

The golden mean can be considered as the fingerprint of creation. The understanding of the importance of Phi for our existence can be found in many of the ancient monuments. A good example is the great pyramid where its height is in Phi ratio to its base. In a 2000 appearance on the Laura Lee Show, researcher Stan Tenen noted that the Great Pyramid of Giza is built in harmony with the molecular structure of its materials. The vast majority of blocks that make up the pyramid are limestone, which is primarily a calcium carbonate [CaCO3] crystal.

The Great Pyramid was built with a 51 degree, 51 minute slope angle, and Tenen pointed out that the calcium carbonate molecule has an approximately 52-degree angle in its shape. This is known as a “cleavage angle” and means that when pure calcium carbonate crystals are split, they will tend to split along this 52-degree angle. Therefore, Tenen claims, the slope angle of the pyramid brings its entire shape into harmony with the molecules of the matter that makes it up. Tenen knows of no other structure on Earth that fits this pattern. Clearly, such a harmonic connection between “micro” and “macro” would only further enhance the pyramid’s effects.

The deepest, most revered forms of sacred geometry are three-dimensional, and are known as the Platonic solids. There are only five formations in existence that follow all the needed rules to qualify, and these are the eight-sided octahedron, four-sided tetrahedron, six-sided cube, twelve-sided dodecahedron and twenty-sided icosahedron. Here, the tetrahedron is shown as a “star tetrahedron” or interlaced tetrahedron, meaning that you have two tetrahedra that are joined together in perfect harmony: 


The mystery and significance of the Platonic Solids has also been confirmed by modern science, the reason being that these forms fit all the necessary criteria for creating “symmetry” in physics in many different ways. For this reason, they are often seen in theories that deal with multi-dimensionality, where many “planes” need to intersect in symmetrical ways so that they can be rotated in a number of ways and always remain in the same positions relative to each other.

The Platonic Solids are the master key to unlock the world of “higher dimensions.” Another important point to remember is that as the hierarchy of Platonic Solids “grow” into each other, the movement will always occur along spiral pathways, predominantly rooted in the classic “phi” ratio.

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