Saturday, July 9, 2011

Informational related healing - Part 1

In order to understand the premium role of information, we will pay some attention to the symbols of Erich Körbler. In a previous post I mentioned that the ancient put a lot of emphasize on Phi due to its ability to create strong harmonic resonances. These resonances are nothing else than the vibration of symbols. Geometries and frequencies are just different expressions for one and the same variable: INFORMATION! Phi also exists in our bio-magnetic and bio-electrical fields, connecting us to all thoughts energies of the whole universe.

On the 19th September 1991the glacial ice from the Schnalstal glacier revealed what had been preserved for over 5000 years: a mummy which the researchers named Ötzi. They observed 57 tattoos on his body, consisting of streaks and crosses, all located on specific spots of the lumbar spine, the knee and the ankle joint. 

Those spots probably represented those parts on his body where he was suffering when he was still alive. They were made up with charcoal powder and had been applied for therapeutic purposes. The charcoal was mixed with fat and inserted under the skin with a needle. This showed that there was some energetic knowledge of the human body.

The Austrian electrical engineer Erich Körbler investigated the various characteristics of bar codes on human beings long before the discovery of Ötzi. The ice mummy proved that informational therapy must be part of a very old knowledge. Eric h Körbler revolutionized medicine by discovering the reversal principle of system information and recognized that the information transfer is connected to life energy. The healing without chemicals and technical interferences has become reality: hundreds of therapists in Europe have proven the success of the method.

In the following posts we will introduce you to Körbler’s work in various fields of applications. So, stay tuned!!

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