Saturday, July 16, 2011

The sacred symbols of Larimar and Ingmar - Part 1

After having introduced you to the symbols of Körbler and some of the mandala’s of Kordulah, we will further investigate the effects of another kind of symbols. The symbols of Larimar and Ingmar also activate the information fields. They bring us in resonance with energies that have no destructive side effects. No abuse is possible. They remain active as long as we use them. These symbols have been channeled by Werner Neuner and Wolfgang Becvar.

Larimar is mainly appropriate for physical sufferings and diseases. Out of the 146 different Larimar symbols we will only pick a handful just to give you a “taste” of the possibilities. The use of symbols is pure informational work, directing energy but certainly not to be considered as a replacement of traditional medicine!


This symbol neutralizes unfavorable radiation (portable phones and electrical devices). Very important is the fact that FLOR has a strong calming down effect on distressing thoughts such as concerns and grief. It brings someone back to peace.

Very impressive is that FLOR can act from the moment that this symbol is drawn mentally. This can be done at the base of transmitting antennas, imagining an upward left turning (anti clockwise) spiral.


This is the symbol for internal peace and tranquility. Thanks to Inka you can concentrate on your own and find yourself back in the centre of all what is happening around you.


Revolution means renewal. Everyone has the opportunity to tear down the existing order, and develop something new. For the traditionalists this means a disaster, but it can lead to a turnaround of consciousness. Lexxus identifies itself with all situations where disobedience and refusal to obey orders becomes an obligation.

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