Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Informational related healing – Part 4

Apart from the streaks and sinusoidal curve, there are some additional signs:

The Y sign:

·         This is a very strong amplifying symbol – be very careful using it!
·         It strengthens all positive and compatible situations
·         It converts negative information into positive information
·         This sign strengthens the immune system, but don’t use it when having allergies
·         This symbol should always be drawn in the direction of flow (veins, arteries etc…)

The + sign:

·         The cross has a very strong shielding capacity
·         It prevents each energy flow
·         It shields against disturbances due to geomantic area’s
·         Protects homeopathic preparations against possible interferences from the outside
·         To be used in case of violent reactions

NEVER use Y and + together!

In next post we will show you some applications in agriculture!

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